

Using quick rounds with 20 seconds burst of work followed by 10 seconds of rest, you are able to drive your efforts and maximize your fitness.

Using quick rounds with 20 seconds burst of work followed by 10 seconds of rest, you are able to drive your efforts and maximize your fitness. This workout will leave you breathless after every set which allows the body to burn more energy long after the workout is through. Throw in a Hiit challenge and core sequence and Tabata engages the whole body with challenge, motivation, and options. No matter your fitness level, Tabata offers up heart pounding opportunity and intensity to push all efforts to their fullest potential.

Tabata may use a light to medium weight, but the focus is Cardio Interval training. Powerful short bursts of effort followed by quick periods of recovery efficiently challenge your fitness, with the result over time of more effective heart rate recovery (becoming fitter and fitter)! By increasing your fitness level, activities of everyday life become easier like walking up and down stairs, around the block, etc. The fun lies in the team challenges and coach’s calls in the second half of the class. Compete with yourself to challenge your own fitness level!